
London Fashion Weekend

This time last week I was sitting third row at London Fashion Weekend. I thought that I was early enough to bag front row just for the experience but it still did not take away from the amazing time I had. There were  lots to admire from various designers in multiple 'designer shopping' rooms occupying the majority of Somerset House but since I love catwalk shows lets get back to that. Okay, so I think this was the second catwalk show that I have been to and the excitement never gets old. Although slightly overwhelmed with all the camera flashes and a bit of struggle with my 14mp Cybershot, I managed to capture some of the outstanding pieces. The first designer 'Bora Aksu' encapsulated a variety of detail and patterns on opaque and chiffon materials. The use of grey, silver and metallic colours accompanied by a red colour pop on the radiant models lips gave the pieces an interesting vibe. Lots of pleats and ruffles added playfulness to the collection and the peek of skin evoked utter sexiness.



The second designer 'Lady Brights' exhibited a collection highly influenced by the 60's era and one of this seasons main trends; colour blocking. It really felt like summer at Somerset House throughout the display of this collection. The array of beautiful neon yellows, oranges, greens, blues, purples and pinks brought a 6o's housewife feel.
The final designer to show their collection was Mark Fast with his extravagant fringing and hints of sparkle. He also added his own colour blocking flare. I just love how male designers can make a women stand out but without loosing subtlety.

Can't wait to see what next year has in store for us!


Alexander McQueen, a legendary name heard often in the industry has not only made a mark among those 'in the know' or prestigious names but literally among those who simply love fashion and undoubtedly evoke style! in a sixth form college in South East London where fashion seems to be on most students' minds, only one stands out from the rest; Nemar Parchment, 18 has taken college fashion to new heights with his unique style and bold personality to match, no wonder the No.1 high street brand Topshop named him 'Best Newcomer' at their Victoria branch. His recent look revolved around a gold and white Alexander McQueen skull scarf which brought feelings of excitement among those who really appreciate the art of style. Could this be the start of something new in terms of college fashion? As Nemar would say "O So Major!"


I had my first university interview the other day at the University of Creative Arts. I think it is now safe to say that i am entering a new chapter in my life and the next three years could determine how I spend the rest of it. It all sounds quite scary but I'm optimistic. After an hour drive and a quick look around what Epsom had to offer, it was time for me to go in. It’s funny because usually I'm a nervous wreck at interviews but i had a calm vibe about me. They took us on a tour of the campus giving us a bit more of an insight into the Uni. You definitely know you're studying a fashion course if everyone around you looks like they've stepped out of their own era but it is much to be appreciated. After all that we were taken to our interview and yes i say 'we' because it was a group interview. There were about 10 girls in my group anxiously waiting for what was in store. However, rather than making it sound like a daunting experience, it was actual the most fun i have had at an interview ever before. We were all asked the same questions such as "What is your favourite magazine?" and "Who is your favourite designer?" There were also a couple of general discussion like student protests and high street/ designer collaborations. As well as that, we had to talk about our favourite pieces from our portfolio which was great since it was a chance to really share something that meant a lot to us. The interviewer was a lovely woman and the girls in my group were so warm and lovely. I guess that's what you need in a potentially horrific environment, people that can keep you calm and make you feel welcome and at ease. Now it's time to play the waiting game and there's no doubt that the heavens will be receiving multiple prayers from me. Wish me luck guys and dolls xx


It' a new dawn, its a new day, its a new year....

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and New Year! I can only partly say the same for myself, but hey it's a new year! I haven't blogged in a while but rather than making a resolution I am going to make it my goal to blog every week or maybe fortnightly but we'll see how it goes. There are so many things that i want to achieve this year and making this blog a hit is just one. So, without further ado I present to you 'The Chicette', a blog about all things fashion (whether that be a collaboration with style, art or even music) and by a young lady with a whole lot of heart, soul and passion.


Britain's Next Top Model Live

So, London saw their first Top Model Live show last month and what a show it was. Packed with an array of budding models, stylists, hair and make-up artists and even bloggers; it was definatley a fashion event to remember. The freebies and discount prices went down a treat among the fashionistas and I can personally say the cluster of competitions worked brilliant for me (I am a girl who's always up for a challenge- I hope I win at least one!) The prestigous London Excel Centre was brightly lit up with splashes of pink, black, and white and filled with multiple stalls from beauty to fashion, each exhibiting their own creative focus'.
Above all of this, I can honestly say that the highlight of the whole event was the amazing fashion show starring the BNTM girls. The seven themes really did bring the show to life and undboubtedly kept the audience engaged. 'Model Army', 'The Big Freeze', 'The Heat Is Rising', 'Exotic Trip', 'A Glamorous Transformation', 'Survival Of The Fittest' and 'Thunderous Finale'. These themes were the perfect illustration to the 6th Cycle of BNTM and the cascade of warm undertone hues provided the perfect insight into some of the A/W 2010 trends. Alongside all of this wonderful fashion that was displayed on the enormous stage, came the admirable dancers, the sensational male models (I can still hear the screams from all the girls) and an astounding performance from Britain's very unique essex girl turned mystic meg- Jessie J!
I am more than positive that everyone who attended this innovative event had a fantastic time- whether it was on the Friday, Saturday or Sunday or whether you entered with a Standard, Premium or VIP ticket!